Kattungarna 4,5 veckor gamla/Kittens 4,5 weeks old

S* All Inclusive Chicago O’ Hair, Somali o hane, reserverad/ S* All Inclusive Chicago O’ Hair, Somali o male, reserved
S* All Inclusive Scarlet O’ Hara, Aby o var hona, tingad/ S* All Inclusive Scarlet O’ Hara, Aby o var female, spoken for
S* All Inclusive Thomas O’ Malley, Aby n var hane, reserverad/ S* All Inclusive Thomas O’ Malley, Aby n var male, reserved
S* All Inclusive O’ Mega, Aby o var hona, tingad/ S* All Inclusive O’ Mega, Aby o var female, spoken for
Gizeh de La Lubaya, Aby n var, mamma till kattungarna/ Gizeh de La Lubaya, Aby n var mother of the kittens

Kittens are 3.5 weeks old/kattungarna är 3,5 veckor gamla

S* All Inclusive Chicago O’ Hair, Somali hane/ S* All Inclusive Chicago O’ Hair, Somali male
S* All Inclusive Scarlett O’ Hara, Aby o var hona/ S* All Inclusive Scarlett O’ Hara, Aby o var female
S* All Inclusive Thomas O’ Malley, Aby n var, hane/ S* All Inclusive Thomas O’ Malley, Aby n var, male
S* All Inclusive Oh Serendipity, Aby o var hona/ S* All Inclusive Oh Serendipity, Aby o var female

Kattungarna 2,5 veckor gamla/Kittens 2.5 weeks old

S* All Inclusive Chicago O’ Hare, Somali hane/ S* All Inclusive Chicago O’ Hare, Somali male
S* All Inclusive Scarlet O’ Hara, Aby var hona/ S* All Inclusive Scarlet O’ Hara, Aby var female
S* All Inclusive Thomas O’ Malley, Aby var hane/ S* All Inclusive Thomas O’ Maley, Aby var male
S* All Inclusive Scilla O’ Hara, Aby var hona/ S* All Inclusive Scilla O’ Hara, Aby var female

Kattungarna är tio veckor gamla/Kittens are ten weeks old

Noomi Dilek De Luxe tio veckor gammal. Tingad./Noomi Dilek De Luxe ten weeks old. Spoken for.

Nikki tio veckor gammal. Tingad /Nikki ten weeks old. Spoken for.

Nova tio veckor gammal. Tingad /Nova ten weeks old. Spoken for.

Nikita tio veckor gammal. Tingad /Nikita ten weeks old. Spoken for.

Narnia tio veckor gammal. Tingad /Narnia ten weeks old. Spoken for.

Kattungarna är nio veckor gamla/Kittens are nine weeks old

Noomi Dilek De Luxe nio veckor gammal. Tingad/Noomi Dilek De Luxe nine weeks old. Spoken for.

Nikki nio veckor gammal. Tingad/Nikki nine weeks old. Spoken for.

Nova nio veckor gammal. Tingad/Nova nine weeks old. Spoken for.

Nikita nio veckor gammal. Tingad/Nikita nine weeks old. Spoken for.

Narnia nio veckor gammal. Tingad/Narnia nine weeks old. Spoken for.